Note to God

+972 539706079 | | Jerusalem, Israel
English Русский עברית

Your prayer will always be heard.

We offer you a convenient and secure way to send your sincere wishes to one of the holiest places on Earth. Our team will handle each note with care and deliver it to the Western Wall.

Our Services

Are you seeking spiritual comfort or wish to share your deepest thoughts? With our help, you can send your note to the Western Wall and feel a connection to the roots of faith.

How to Place an Order?

Step 1: Get to know our services. Today, we offer a service to deliver your request to God through the Western Wall in Jerusalem. You can also order the mention of your name in a prayer at the Herzl Synagogue (the synagogue is part of the temple complex of the Western Wall).
Step 2: On our website, you can follow the link to the online form where you can leave your order details and your email address to receive a report on the status of your order. Payment details: Card number: 5457 0822 2047 2000 Bitcoin address: bc1qteuu8dnnmw7jvxqtz38nsddxg87fl95cpjwnqt
Step 3: After placing your order, please make the payment using your preferred method. Send us the payment receipt, transaction details, and transfer number for the cryptocurrency wallet to the email. Once the funds are received, we will send you a confirmation and an updated order status by email. The transfer time may vary (usually up to three business days).
Step 4: Receive updates on the status of your order at every stage, until its completion.

Choose a delivery option



  • Note delivery within 7 days
  • Email confirmation
  • Photo of the Western Wall



  • Express delivery within 24 hours
  • Email confirmation
  • Photo of your note at the Wall
  • Personal prayer by our team



  • Same-day delivery
  • Video confirmation
  • Photo of your note at the Wall
  • 40 days of prayers by our team
  • Personalized blessing certificate